We don’t so much solve our problems as we outgrow them. We add capacities and experiences that eventually make us bigger than the problems.
Carl Jung
A Soul-Centered Approach
I help other people recover soul, find meaning and follow their purpose through an approach that blends depth and archetypal psychology, dreamwork, compassionate inquiry and spiritual insight.
My counselling style has developed through decades of soul-seeking, spiritual practices, and studying with some of the best teachers in the world, but it’s rooted in a deep curiosity about the life of the soul, the dream and imaginal realms that has been there from the very beginning.
Over the years I’ve trained in multiple therapeutic approaches including Yoga, Somatic Experiencing, Hakomi, and Mind-Body-Spirit Coaching.
I hold certificates in Thomas Moore’s Soul Psychology, Hakomi-based Coaching, Compassionate Inquiry and Dream Tending.
I’ve been a dedicated student, practitioner and teacher of yoga in the lineage of TKV Desikachar and Krishnamacharya for over a decade. My daily yoga practice helps me show up with a clear head and open heart.
What doesn’t fit on the resumé is all the stuff that can only be learned through overcoming real difficulties in life as well as realizing successes through hard work, determination and recovering from the occasional abject failure.
All this “life stuff” has equipped me with a great capacity for compassion, presence, encouragement, and humour.
(If you’re really curious, you can check out my official credentials here.)
Areas of Soul Work
Upgrading communication & relational skills
Caring for the soul through deep conversation
Exploring the dream realm and imagination
Making peace with parents and ancestors
Men’s work & cultivating mature masculinity
Attuning to inner wisdom & intuition
Reclaiming your indigenous soul and its connection to spirit, nature and the not-merely-human community
Nurturing creativity and aligning to calling and purpose
Developing practices to support and deepen your life
Unconventional Therapy for Unconventional People
One thing is certain: nobody has ever accused me of living a conventional life. (It goes with the territory.)
Following the call of the soul inevitably leads us away from the conventional life of consensus reality and into uncharted territory of deep living that has become so foreign to us in modern life.
Soul Recovery is a reclamation of what makes us essentially human, irrepressibly creative and unashamedly unique.
Shaman-in-training? Me shaking a rattle somewhere in suburbia circa 1980.
Dominant culture (and its treatments) pressures us “fit in,” usually by suppressing or denying what makes each of us unique. This is the most grievous wound to the soul, often occurring early on in our lives before we’re old enough to know we’re making a deal with the devil.
It’s usually not until later on that we notice something’s missing, or that we’ve gone off course from our soul’s journey.
This is what’s commonly known as a “life crisis,” but I prefer to think of it as a “potential wake up call” (it’s not a real wake up call unless it actually wakes you up and you respond to the call by making some changes.)
My work is fueled by a revolutionary spirit that seeks to dismantle oppressive and hierarchical systems (inner and outer) through processes of soul recovery, decolonization, cultural activism and community-building.
Everything I do is informed by my working class upbringing and values, as well as decades of spiritual seeking and practice and immersion in the study of depth and archetypal psychology, history, philosophy and shamanism.
I’m inspired by the “crazy wisdom” of Carl Jung, James Hillman, Thomas Moore, Max Gimblett, UG Krishnamurti, TKV Desikachar, Alejandro Jodorowsky and other renegade psychologists, healers, artists and tricksters.
Everyone is on their own soul’s journey and your job is to figure out where yours is meant to take you. Because the path is uncharted territory, it can be helpful to have a friend and guide along the way.
Together, we can work to find out what your unique medicine is — the medicine you need to heal and the medicine you bring to heal the world.