Field notes from the wilderness.

A collection of personal essays and inspiring writing from my favourite renegade thinkers, artists and poets.

Brian James Brian James

Discovering Your Personal Myth

“I suspected that myth had a meaning which I was sure to miss if I lived outside it in the haze of my own speculations. I was driven to ask myself in all seriousness: “What is the myth you are living?” — CG Jung

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Brian James Brian James

Archetypal Lens: Succession

Viewed through an archetypal lens, Logan Roy, the patriarch of Succession, embodies the aging King — specifically in its shadow aspect of the Tyrant.

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Brian James Brian James

Archetypal View: Alex Garland’s Men

The central theme of the recent film Men is the masculine desire for union with the feminine (first Mother, then Lover) or hieros gamos, described by Jung as “spiritual marriage, union of archetypal figures in the rebirth mysteries of antiquity and alchemy.”

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