My Story

(The Short Version)


Have you ever said to yourself:

“I know there’s more to life. I know I have a lot more to offer. I know something needs to change, but I have no idea where to begin”?

If so, I know how you feel, because I’ve been there.

In my early 30s I had achieved all the markers of success in my chosen field. I was working as a graphic designer at the highest level of my industry: winning awards, making lots of money and going on all-expense paid trips to fancy conferences.

I had married my soulmate, we had a cute little house in one of the most expensive markets in Canada, a new car in the driveway and a new puppy in the backyard.

From the outside it looked like the perfect life, but inside, I was a total mess. 

Me and Debbie, newly married in Costa Rica, 2007

Me and Debbie, newly married in Costa Rica, 2007

I was stressed out, suffering from insomnia and panic attacks, and drinking heavily in an attempt to self-medicate. All the inner turmoil I was experiencing was creating a rift in my young marriage and conflict in my personal and work relationships. It was a vicious cycle and I was stuck in it. I was burning myself out — physically, emotionally and creatively.

One day I woke up with the realization that I wasn’t living the life I wanted and that something had to change.

I knew I couldn’t keep going on with the way things were, but I wasn’t sure where to start. I’d read lots of spiritual and self-help books and had done yoga on-and-off for years, but I still felt lost. Those things had helped me manage my symptoms and provided temporary relief, but the real change I knew was possible was still out of my reach.

I decided that I needed some outside help, so I did something that no one in my family had ever done before — I found a counselor. 

That one bold (and scary) decision was the first step on a life-changing journey that led me to study with master teachers in yoga, music and psychotherapy, and participate in dozens of plant medicine and shamanic healing ceremonies.

After a pivotal ayahuasca ceremony somewhere in the desert, 2011

After a pivotal ayahuasca ceremony somewhere in the desert, 2011

I’ve spent over a decade seeking out the most effective methods and tools for transformation and integrating them into my daily practices. I’m still on my own journey, always learning and growing, and I’ve picked up some useful tools that can save you a lot of time, money and trouble.

Finding strength and balance, inside and out. Montréal, 2019

Finding strength and balance, inside and out. Montréal, 2019

And because I’ve been through tough times myself, I’ve got a lot of compassion for what others are going through. I’m so grateful for all the teachers, healers and friends that have helped me along the way that I feel an obligation to share what I’ve learned and hold space for others as they go through what can be often be a difficult and challenging process.

Teaching at the Temple of the Way of Light, Peru, 2017 (photo by Tony Hoare)

Teaching at the Temple of the Way of Light, Peru, 2017 (photo by Tony Hoare)

Life has a way of circling back, and now I bring everything I’ve learned to my coaching and design work, helping others realize their dreams of making a difference in the world and enjoying a more meaningful and purpose-driven life.

Or, as I often joke, “Now I use my powers for good.”

So, maybe you’re reading this right now because you’ve decided to take that first step, or maybe you’re already on your path but have encountered an obstacle, want to go deeper or get a new perspective on what you’re working with.

Me & Deb hosting a music medicine journey

Wherever you are on your journey, I’m here as a friend and guide to support you and share what I’ve learned along the way.